Peer Review Process

The manuscript submission process for SALAM Digest: Syariah and Law Undergraduate Symposium encompasses several stages to ensure a comprehensive and impartial peer review:

  1. Manuscript Submission: Researchers submit their articles to SALAM Digest, where the Editor-in-Chief assigns the manuscript to the Managing Editor for initial handling.

  2. Initial Manuscript Evaluation: The Managing Editor and the editorial team conduct a preliminary evaluation. Based on this assessment, the manuscript may be accepted, rejected, or sent for peer review. Each manuscript undergoes a plagiarism check using Turnitin.

  3. Peer Review: The Managing Editor enlists at least two experts in the relevant field to conduct a double-blind review, keeping the identities of both the reviewers and the authors confidential. Reviewers utilize a specific form designed by SALAM Digest for their evaluations (if required).

  4. Decision Notification: Following the reviewers' feedback, the Editor-in-Chief communicates the decision to the author—acceptance, request for revisions, or rejection—while keeping reviewer identities confidential (if required).

  5. Manuscript Revisions: Authors requested to revise their manuscript must address the reviewers' comments and submit a response letter outlining the changes made.

  6. Resubmission of Revised Manuscript: The author resubmits the revised manuscript through the same initial submission process.

  7. Final Acceptance: Once the revisions satisfy the reviewers, the editor confirms the manuscript's acceptance for publication.

  8. Final Stages of Publication: Accepted manuscripts proceed to the galley proof stage, involving formatting, copyediting, and proofreading. The manuscript is then published either online or in print, according to the conference proceedings' format.